Digitized Version of the Children’s Speech Intelligibility Measure

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The Children’s Speech Intelligibility Measure (CSIM) was designed to provide an objective measure of single-word intelligibility for children ages 3.0 to 10.11 years.  It was developed and standardized by Kim Wilcox and Sherrill Morris at the University of Kansas, and published by the Psychological Corporation in 1999.  We selected it for use in the Speech Perception Laboratory at Boys Town National Research Hospital because of the ease of administration and the well-established normative database.  However, as written, it requires the use of taped speech samples.  To make use of standard research and clinical facilities, Tom Creutz developed a computer-based rating system, which is available here.  This program makes use of digitized waveform files in Windows PCM format, obtained with any editor.  We hope that you find it useful.

Please send comments or questions to Creutz@BoysTown.org.

The development of this software was supported by research grant number R01 DC 00633 from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders to Susan Nittrouer.