Research Computing
Note: Before installing a new version of Greg2000, be sure to uninstall any previous versions and REMOVE them from the Add-In list (in Excel,go to Tools>Add-ins and remove previous version of Greg)
Greg deployment steps:
- Exit Excel if in use.
- Download latest Greg Setup
- Click on SetupGreg-2.4.0 to start the installation wizard. Respond 'Yes' or 'Next' to the queries to move through the installation.
- The installation will put a 'Greg Sample' shortcut on the desktop, which is an Excel workbook icon with a G image on it. The file is named GregDemo.xls in the destination folder.
- The installation will place a Greg 2.4.0 shortcut in the Start menu under Programs/BTNRH and list Greg Documentation, Greg Sample, and Uninstall Greg 2.4.0.